
Immaculate Misconceptions

Immaculate Misconceptions (from the album and play Immaculate Conceptions)

Immaculate Misconceptions (2x)

You have them; you hold them… immaculate misconceptions…
Will you ever change, or will you stay the same?

Immaculate Misconceptions (2x)
You build them; you spread them… immaculate misconceptions…
Will you make the right choice?
Remain silent or use your voice?

Immaculate Misconceptions (2x)
You have them, you hold them… immaculate misconceptions…
Will they ever let you go?
If you don’t try, you’ll never know.

Immaculate Misconceptions (2x)

Lyrics, Music & Arrangement By:
© 2005 Jeremy J. dePrisco ASCAP


By jjdeprisco

Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.