Bassist Matt Homiak plays with Coal Region All-Stars

5/2/10 – 6/13/10 – Reflections on the Jibberjazz concert in Schuylkill County in 2010. For photos to this story, click here. I usually look forward to the third weekend in April for Bloomsburg’s Renaissance Jamboree, but this year I had already purchased tickets for the jam-band festival “Some Kind of ...

For many, songwriting is cloaked in mystery. There seem to be certain stereotypes about the people who write songs, and certain preconceptions about the process itself. I’d like to think it is not as complicated as all that, and need not be so mysterious. One of the most dreaded questions ...

Someone once asked me what a “desert island” collection was all about. To my surprise, the concept was not well known. The idea is: If you were going to be stranded on a desert island for the rest of your life, what music (or movies, books, etc) would you want ...

Humble beginnings... July 1988

My early music production experience (12-13 yrs old) consisted of a Casio keyboard, $50 Randix dual cassette deck boom box, Radio Shack DJ mixer, hand-me-down short-scale Telestar bass and a Harmony acoustic guitar. My father also built a number of effect boxes and gadgets that I’d play with ...

Thaylon Singh

Friday, August 29th, 2008 – My experience in Second Life (SL) has yielded a number of observations about audiences, venues, performers and music in general. As both a presenter and a performer in real life, I think that these insights may be worth while for those looking to explore SL. The ...