African drumming for beginners at The Prana Juice Bar/Namaste Café, Main St, Bloomsburg 3rd Thursday of the month, 7pm – 9pm. Create a community with sound Fun way to unwind and de-stress Loaner drums & rattles available Outdoors (weather permitting) …and it’s FREE!!! Come for ...

Last Friday I finally broke down and ordered a mouse for the MacBook. ...

Yamato – The Drummers of Japan Haas Center for the Performing Arts Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania (USA) November 7, 2009 ...

I’ve rearranged my audio page and uploaded some new material in the electronic section. ...

A few years ag I found a copy of Carl Sandburg’s book, “The American Songbag.” As a blues performer and song collector, it was truly inspiring. ...

“Despite all the hype, Apple computers still make up less than 10% of total computers in the market.” – Cakewalk (makers of Sonar Digital Audio Workstation). ...

My musical experiments with the Macbook have been limited for two reasons. The first problem is my crazy schedule, which doesn’t show signs of letting up until after the Spring semester is over and I graduate. Even when I’ve had time, the physical layout of my studio has not made ...

Now that I’ve been using the Mac for a while, I began to think about backups. It comes with a feature called Time Machine, and there’s even a wireless drive that is designed to be used with this feature. At $200 for 1 TB, the drives are a bit pricey, ...

At first, I considered writing two versions of this journal: one for my private journal, and one for my web site. I thought some of my more private thoughts were not worth sharing. However, by the time I got through it all, I realized that those ideas were what made ...

We flew out of Maryland and had a reasonable direct flight into Albuquerque on Southwest Airlines. Jeff was fighting a sinus cold, but otherwise we were in fairly good spirits. Audra and I had just gotten back from Maine, which was extremely relaxing – if a ...

Kristy got up early to go ballooning while the rest of us stayed at the hotel. Since she had the car, we didn’t have much choice, but I definitely welcomed the chance to just stay in one place for a little while and get my bearings. Once ...

The Santa Fe School of Cooking was our primary reason for going to Santa Fe, about an hour south of Taos. Well, to be clear, Jeff wasn’t interested in the cooking class, but he came along for the ride and hung out in town while we ...