Category: Project Archive
These varied projects give a quick overview of my creative and technical interests. These projects highlight my skills in a number of areas, including electronics, audio engineering, prototyping, programming, development and collaboration. I’ve tried to provide a mix of older and newer projects, but it is safe to say I am always working on something!

Tanner Bingaman worked with me in late 2018 and early 2019 on his album We Were All Born Naked. His project was the last full album project I recorded before moving to the Philadelphia area in 2019. The project was later released in 2020. Tanner is the real deal when ...

Enter the world of SCI-FI-LOPHONE, where music, noise and science come together to produce fun and unusual sound textures for all ages. A: SCI-FI-LOPHONE is a unique MIDI-controlled percussion instrument consisting of solenoids combined with traditional and non-traditional sound making objects. It’s part art installation, interactive science project, and part ...
Over the course of 2020 and 2021, I was not very consistent with posting new content to my Word Press site (the site you are reading now). I was very active on YouTube, with a number of live streams, web tutorials and audio-visual experiments, but a large number of them ...
I don’t really call myself a programmer… but I always seem to come back to programming as a skill that is good to have. In February of 2021 I was studying a variety of things related to graphics generation and came across Pygame. This was my first real exploration of ...

Listen to the podcast just about anywhere! In early 2021, Laura Chenault, the Marketing Director for the Philly Maker Faire, and Valerie Chikwendu, our volunteer coordinator, wanted to keep maker momentum through COVID, so we put together a podcast. The Philly Maker Faire Podcast celebrates the creators, builders, inventors, and ...

Open BCI is an open source Brain Computer Interface project. Back in 2014, I supported one of their early Kickstarter programs and got one of the 8-bit EEG boards. After some rather discouraging initial results, and a long time away from the project, I have found some folks interested in ...

One fateful night in the early 90s, at an open mic in Bloomsburg, PA, I met Tom Dennehy. His mix of Dr. Demento-style originals and Weird Al Yankovic covers immediately endeared him to both me and, my future wife, Audra. Life was never the same after meeting Tom. His combination ...
This project dates back to when I was still living in Central PA. This sound sculpture combined hardware, software, sound design, and some light fabrication. Besides mounting everything on the board, I also made a custom circuit board to manage the Teensy connections. This turned out to be a collaboration ...

I came to Touchdesigner from timeline-based video editing in programs like iMovie, Adobe Premiere and Davinci Resolve. For a few years I also built patches in Magic Music Visualizer. I was always frustrated by the UI of iMovie and similar programs. I never found their UX very good coming from ...

Important info for event artistsCreated 4/22/2020 – Updated V 4.5 12/9/2020Migrated from my .net to .com site 10/1/21Pending review for updates. NOTE: THIS GUIDE ALSO APPLIES TO EVENTS OF A SIMILAR NATURE BEYOND COSMIC STREAM FEST In early April 2020, I served as “stream consultant” for the virtual video/audio version ...
Humming With The Gods is a 4-song Limited Edition EP born as a result of some different approaches I was taking to recording/writing in late 2017. I was working with some very evocative instruments, and suddenly found myself creating a lot of material in a particular universe of sound. Originally, ...

Teensy is a popular microcontroller ecosystem that I’ve highlighted on my site before. There are already a number of breakout shields on the market for most of the Teensy models. I’ve tried several, and written about them here. The breakout boards that I’ve tried were either overbuilt with way more ...