Enter the world of SCI-FI-LOPHONE, where music, noise and science come together to produce fun and unusual sound textures for all ages.
A: SCI-FI-LOPHONE is a unique MIDI-controlled percussion instrument consisting of solenoids combined with traditional and non-traditional sound making objects. It’s part art installation, interactive science project, and part musical instrument! SCI-FI-LOPHONE combines many of my interests into one crazy contraption, including percussion, found sounds, electronic music and a maker ethic.
When presented at STEAM events, participants will be able to interact with and play the instrument in real time. Demos are also shown using Ableton Live to trigger the instrument.
Q: Where can I experience SCI-FI-LOPHONE?
A: SCI-FI-LOPHONE is now available for STEM/STEAM demonstrations, maker faires, science fairs, music classes, parties, and other events by appointment.

2022 Incarnation
The latest version of SCI-FI-LOPHONE features full integration with Ableton Live, a few swappable percussion instruments, and the option to play along with the instrument.

2018 Bloomsburg Mini Maker Faire
SCI-FI-LOPHONE premiered at the 2018 Bloomsburg Mini-Maker Faire.

Below are pictures of the painting process for the rack and supplemental parts.

* The name SCI-FI-LOPHONE is an original moniker that came up from a discussion with friend Michael Kattner about some found-sound objects I was making a few years back. As such, SCI-FI-LOPHONE is unique to Jeremy dePrisco’s configuration. SCI-FI-LOPHONE is powered by Automat by Dada Machines (a Kickstarter campaign from 2017). To this are added original noisemakers, off-the shelf percussion, MIDI controllers and delay/reverb effects. SCI-FI-LOPHONE is ever-evolving, so what you see here may change as the project evolves.