How the idea started…
After being a closet electro musician and experimentalist for many years, and after attending electro-music festivals in 2010 and 2011, I decided it was time to find somewhere locally to further explore this side of my creativity. Turning to the Interwebs, I found what I *thought* was a jam session in Carlisle, PA…. still a bit of a jaunt, but worth checking out.
To my dismay, further research showed that what I had actually come across was a perfect event… but it was a different Carlisle, in England. Their Carlisle was described as a “small northern city of 200,000 people approx” by Barry, the organizer. Much bigger than Bloomsburg. Through a few discussions with Barry, it became clear that the only way this was going to happen closer to home was if I organized it myself.
So I out out this call to closet sound artists, and was pleasantly surprised to find Explorophonic, a local improv and experimental trio. A few more calls and emails, and we had another artist, Andy Seal, whom many will know as an active area bass player – but he’s also a Moog artist.
After a few jam sessions, we held our first live event on May 20, 2012 (see below).
Bloomsburg Area electronic or experimental musicians are encouraged to contact me here or on Facebook to discuss the forming of a local collective that will further explore many electro and experimental styles that otherwise do not seem to see the light of day (or get much respect) in our area. Step up to the challenge and get involved!