Touchdesigner Class Announced
I’m offering a second virtual Touchdesigner workshop for The Fuse Factory, an art and technology initiative focused on cultivating artistic production, research, and experimentation with digital media and electronic tools.
The second session will build on the first, but beginners with some Touchdesigner experience are welcome. Visual artists as well as musicians and writers can all create compelling things with Touchdesigner, so creatives of all types are welcome. View full details below.
Philly Maker Faire Podcast
For a fun change, my co-hosts recently turned the tables and interviewed me for the podcast.
Bandcamp Live Streaming
Exploitation of Aqueous Sphere ZX4
Exploitation of Aqueous Sphere ZX4 is a sci-fi soundscape performed live using a variety of hardware and effect pedals. No computers were used for sound generation or manipulation during this performance.
This collection is a direct result of the Bandcamp Live Stream mentioned above, and features over 70 min of long-form ambient soundscape.

Bijou Max for Live Sequencer by K-Teck
I’ve been helping David Elson from K-Teck with some beta testing for his new Max for Live sequencer, Bijou.

The device – a Euclidean type sequencer perfect for generative music – is in the late beta stages and may be out by the time you get this. For a preview, see my recording of a live stream on Twitch.
Tech Consults
Need help recording or editing a podcast? Struggling with live streaming? I offer a free, 30 minute consult on a variety of music and audio topics. Schedule some time today.