Took another stroll down 4-track memory lane today to put together the playlist for the next Signals with Shivasongster set. We’ll continue with some early recordings from my Fostex X-26 years (1989-1995), featuring keyboards such as the Korg ES-50 and Korg Poly-800, and maybe even my trusty Casio Casiotone MT-520.
We will then move into some electro-inspired tracks from my earlier albums, Mandala, Cadillacs & Tarantulas and Bloomsburg to Bangladesh watching the transition from experimental to more song-based material. Then it’s back to experimental with some stuff closer to present-day.
Signals with Shivasongster airs every other Thursday. Next show is 2/17/11 at 03:00-04:00 GMT (that’s 10-11 pm EST) at radio.electro-music.com