
What I’m Doing Now

March 2024

Brushing up on my Touchdesigner knowledge to create live visuals for clients.

Learning about video art apps from Signal Culture.

Booking for Fricknadorable’s 2024 performing season.

Conducting a series of Listening Tours and participating in a Job Search Council (JSC) based on the book Never Search Alone.

Providing booking, management and promotion support for songwriter Tanner Bingaman’s solo act, and his band Tanjo & Crow.

Staying current on GenAI in music for my ongoing presentation, recently given at Trenton Computer Festival 2024.

Exploring AI image generation for use in my promotional efforts and for live performance graphic imagery.

Parsing through a collection of original studio tracks. This will result in some collections ranging from abstract electronic to melodic instrumental to vocal topical.

Offering a wide variety of STEAM workshops.


The Songs of Distant Earth – Arthur C. Clarke

Continuing to examine my career trajectory closely through a Napoleon Hill lens. So far, met only two people who get this reference.


By jjdeprisco

Sonic explorer, sound artist, guitarist in Fricknadorable, software designer.